The Namibia Investment Fund is pleased to share with our community the news of Namibia’s National Budget, which was tabled on the 22nd of February 2023. This budget outlines the government’s plans for the allocation of funds across various sectors of the economy, including education, health, and infrastructure.

What are the takeaways from the National Budget tabled yesterday?. When reading the amounts per category, please remember what the money will be used for.

Similar to a business, a large portion of the government Budget goes to fixed costs i.e. Salaries & benefits of government employees, who are the people providing the services whenever we visit government institutions i.e. Schools, Hospitals, Natis, etc.

The second portion goes to services/utilities, as government institutions also use water and electricity.

Thus, the main questions for those who are concerned with seeing improvements in services delivery by government institutions is therefore, *”How much money is remaining after overheads cost are catered for, to pay for the desired level of service from government institutions?”*

Meaning, is there enough money remaining to:

• Buy text books for all students

• Buy medicines for the hospitals

• Pay for building and servicing of roads

• Electrifying rural areas

• Fund Start-Ups and SMEs – _this is where NIF could compliment the Government_.

Below, see a breakdown of where the budgets goes.

Yours sincerely,

*Team NIF*

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