M.Sc. Metals & Energy Finance – Imperial College London
B.Sc. Mining Engineering – University of Witwatersrand
NIF Trustee (2020 – ) – Namibian
Mr. Aluvilu founded Pamwe Royalty and Streaming (Pty) Ltd. in 2020, by assimilating a group of professionals that understand the vision of creating Africa’s premier royalty and streaming company. Having worked as a mining engineer for a few years before advancing into the Business Improvement Specialist role at Rössing Uranium Mine mine, he gained relevant experience and he exposure to embark on Pamwe, Protasius is a co-founder and director of NEPAT Trading Close Corporation which was founded and co-own Intercity (Pty) Ltd, the creator of Intercity App in Namibia.
Protasius holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering from the University of Witswatersrand, and a Master’s degree in Metals and Energy Finance from Imperial College London.