The internet is an open network which easily allows various opportunists to take advantage of people. These opportunists may pose as genuine individuals or organizations that intend to help people make income or gain benefits through tricking them out of their money, property or private information.

Tsonam Cleanse Akpeloo, a Ghanaian economist and technology entrepreneur, briefly touched on the issue about internet fraud during the Africa Economic Leadership Council’s (AELC) Trade Expo and Business Summit. Because of the progression of internet, the rate at which people are of being duped online still increases.
Ghana’s technology sector recently finished working on a technology that allows profiling and authenticating African businesses that are keen to participate in the continental future agreements. The technology verifies authenticity and legitimacy of companies online and it provides information about them to everyone in terms of their credibility.
The Ghanaian government initially employed the application of digital technology to stimulate the growth and transformation of the Ghanaian economy, but now intends to share the solution with every country within the African Union including Namibia to assist them in obtaining benefit from this process. Akeploo encouraged that every company be properly profiled and authenticated.
By Maria Haipinge